About the Mural Photo Gallery

In an effort to showcase the incredible Kindness Murals created and to further connect children throughout the world, we have posted a picture of each completed mural along with the descriptions of these murals if they were provided. We have also noted the artists responsible by name of school, group, family, or organization, the school year they were completed, and where they are in the world. This blog format invites all of our participants worldwide and visitors to our blog to see children's visions of kindness and to comment on specific murals if they choose. We hope this format will further the goal of creating global harmony through art and allow us all to envision a kind, peaceful world.
A special thank you to all of our participants. Your work and visions of kindness are a true inspiration!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

#35 Trinity Lutheran Preschool

Kellie Farber's Junior Kindergarten Class
Chesterfield, Missouri

1 comment:

kb said...

Our daughter was a member of this project team. The teachers and the children took great pride in creating this kindness mural. What a fabulous experience for 5 and 6 year olds! It would change the world even more if adults could participate in a similar project! As Mother Theresa stated, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." This project uses art media in the same manner! Thank you for seeing the need for such a project!